Dr Jason J EMER

Dr. Jason Emer is a board certified and fellowship-trained cosmetic, laser, and procedural dermatologist, who specializes in surgical and nonsurgical body contouring, hi definition body sculpting and etching, fat transfer, cellulite reduction and skin tightening.  Dr. Emer's practice is located in Los Angeles/Beverly Hills, California.

Dr. Jason Emer’s main practice and passion is liposculpture and body sculpting/etching procedures. For obtaining the best results, with the least amount of downtime, and for patient safety reasons, all procedures are performed using a local fluid called “tumescent anesthesia” which allows for a comfortable surgery with little risks.  Dr. Emer uses all of the advanced technologies for body contouring/etching to tailor his results to each persons concerns, no single device or type of liposuction is used. Multiple devices -- such as VASERLipo, SmartLipo, and BodyJet -- and techniques -- such as superficial muscular etching and power-assisted fat removal (PAL) -- are employed during each surgery to get the ultimate 4D Hi Def results and best long-term outcomes.


He is one of a select few surgeons in United States to perform 4D (four dimensional) body contouring/etching in which he precisely and meticulously defines target areas to not only remove fat but also contour and define circumferentially.  He uses this technique to “etch” six packs and create highly defined musculature such as the chest, buttock, breast and calves. With the latest advances in fat harvesting with water-assisted removal (WAL), he can use your body’s own fat and platelet rich plasma (PRP) to contour the surrounding areas and define the underlying muscles. Harvested fat can be transferred to other areas to address concerns such facial wrinkles and lack of volume, hand veins and aging, buttock and breast size and lifting, and the muscular size and bulk of the chest, biceps, calves, shoulders, and quadriceps. Cellulite and skin tightening are also addressed, utilizing combination treatments to get the ultimate results.