Dr Steven FAGIEN

Based in Boca Raton, Florida since 1989, Steven Fagien, MD is one of the foremost oculoplastic surgeons in the United States and the world. With a dedication to aesthetic eyelid plastic surgery, Dr. Fagien has built his reputation on challenging traditional techniques and developing cutting-edge advances that have become the benchmarks for a variety of procedures, and he continues to strive for innovation and excellence.

Dr. Fagien focuses on creating the most beautiful, youthful eyes, paying careful attention to natural-looking results thanks to techniques he has developed. In addition to his unparalleled surgical skills, he also works with major pharmaceutical companies and the FDA to develop new injectable products for facial rejuvenation.

As an educator and innovator, Dr. Fagien has authored over 300 publications in peer-reviewed journals, penned his own bestselling textbook on Cosmetic Oculoplastic Surgery, and has made more than 1,000 presentations about his techniques and best practices to surgeons around the globe. His international reputation and stature draw patients from Europe, Asia and beyond, proving Dr. Fagien’s position as one of the most sought-after oculoplastic surgeons worldwide.