Prof Aleksandra LESIAK

Prof. Aleksandra Lesiak, MD, PhD

She is a specialist in dermatology-venereology, professor coordinating paediatric department of Paediatric Dermatology and Oncology Clinic at Medical University of Lodz, and an academic lecturer. She is an author and co-author of over two hundred original and review articles, scientific publications in Polish and foreign journals. Her scientific work focuses mainly on skin cancer, psoriasis, and skin diseases in children. Prof. Aleksandra Lesiak, MD is a member of the Polish Society of Dermatology, European Society for Dermatological Research, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. She has completed internships abroad (France, United Kingdom). In 2011 she was awarded the prestigious L'OREAL Scholarship for Women and Science, and in 2012 she was the winner of the Supertalents in Medicine competition. Since 2014, she was the vice chairperson and since 2019 she has been chairperson the of the Young Forum Section of the Polish Dermatological Society, and since 2015 she has been the vice-chairperson of the Oncology Section of the PTD. As of September 2018, he is a member of the main board of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV-European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology). It is one of the largest and most important organizations for dermatology practitioners. He is also a member of the international board of the European Society of Paediatric Dermatology (ESPD).

Since its inception in 2018, he has been the associate editor of "Forum Dermatologicum," the journal of the Young Forum Section of the Polish Society of Dermatology (PTD), aimed at dermatologists and those specializing in dermatology and venereology.

Prof. Lesiak's professional achievements include nearly 20 years of activity, during which, apart from medical practice, she has been involved in scientific work and academic teaching. Apart from the hospital and Medical University of Lodz, for over 10 years she has been running her medical practice in DERMOKLINICA, of which she is a co-owner. Here, apart from clinical dermatology, she deals with aesthetic dermatology.