Dr Sushil Tikamdas TAHILIANI

Dr Sushil T. Tahiliani, a dermatovenereologist was born on 29th August,1956.He obtained his M.B.,B.S.,D.V.&D. and M.D.degrees from Seth G.S.Medical College & K.E.M. Hospital,Mumbai,India.He then did a one & half years stint as a lecturer in dermatovenereology at Mumbai University before setting up his clinics in western suburbs of Mumbai.He kept getting updated in dermatosurgery,aesthetic procedures like fillers & botulim toxin use; and in lasers - through attending courses, workshops and conferences in India & abroad.He has 30 years experience after M.D. and more than a decade of experience in use of lasers and aesthetic procedures.He is a fellow of AAD & EADV.He is a reviewer of IJDVL & IJD.He is a regular faculty at dermatology & dermatosurgery conferences & workshops.He has written chapters in ACSI & IADVL textbooks and in a book on nail diseases.His areas of special interest are clinical dermatology, lasers & office based surgeries.