Born in 1958, Vincent Castronovo is a medical doctor, specialized in surgeon and obstetrician and obstetrics, Ph.D. in biomedical sciences, and board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology. Since 1982, Dr Castronovo carries on a career of clinical practitioner and at the same time researcher in cancerology. After a stay of 5 years at the "National Cancer Institute" of the "National Institutes of Health" in the United States at Bethesda, he came back to the University of Liège where he created the Metastasis Research Laboratory. Medical director from 1995 to 2002 of the Liège Center for Early Detection and Prevention of Cancer, he was particularly interested in "primary prevention of neoplasic diseases". In 1998, he became Chairman of the Department of Biology in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Liège and in 2000 he became Director of the Center for Experimental Cancer Research in the same university (now called GIGA-Cancer). Since 1995, he is interested in the importance of nutrition to prevent cancers, to reduce the side-effects of chemotherapy and to prevent malignant recurrences. These activities carried him on to have an interest for the impact of nutrition on health and also on the ageing process. Dr Castronovo teaches nutritional medicine to health professionals (doctors, specialists, chemists) in Belgium and abroad. He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications and books.