Доктор Naci CELIK

Dr. Naci Celik, MD, BA, BS, is an Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery 

Dr. Naci Celik completed his plastic surgery residency at Ege University Medical School in 2002. He then pursued a microsurgery fellowship program at CGMH, Taiwan, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Fu-chan Wei, and an aesthetic surgery fellowship program at ONEP, Istanbul, with Prof. Dr. Onur Erol.

In 2008, Dr. Celik established his private aesthetic surgery clinic, where he currently practices alongside his role as a faculty member at Okan University in Istanbul.

Dr. Celik's professional interests primarily lie in body and breast contouring operations, liposuction with energy-based devices, facial plastic surgery, and medical aesthetics. He has authored several books in the field of aesthetic surgery and has published numerous articles in prestigious medical journals.

Throughout his medical career, Dr. Celik has received several accolades, including the Microsurgery fellowship program in Taiwan, the EURAPS Young Plastic Surgeon Scholarship, the best presentation award at the Nose and Surroundings Congress in Rome, being a two-time winner of the best clinical case in the 6th and 7th Anti-Aging and Beauty Trophy at AMWC, and being a finalist at The Aesthetic Awards 2023 in Las Vegas.

He also served as the president of the Turkish Society of Aesthetic Surgery for 4 years and functions as faculty for many important international congresses, including ISAPS, AMWC, IMCAS, and CBAM. Additionally, he serves as a juror for the Anti-Aging and Beauty Trophy and is the head of the Istanbul branch of the Canadian Board of Aesthetic Medicine, where he offers medical aesthetics hands-on courses for doctors. Furthermore, he acts as a consultant and mentor for different companies, including those specializing in lasers, injectables, and energy-based liposuction devices.

In addition to his medical qualifications, Dr. Celik holds a BA degree in photography and a BS degree in exercise and sports sciences.