Prof Ying Chin WU

吳英俊醫師 Dr. Ying-Chin Wu
台大醫院皮膚科臨床教授Clinical Professor ,  National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) 英爵聯合診所院長 Founder and Owner of WCLINIC and WSPA DR.WU品牌創始人 Founder of DR.WU Clinical Skincare 法國國家醫學研究中心研究員 Immunology researcher for Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale 台灣皮膚科醫學會理事長 President of Taiwanese Dermatological Association 皮膚科學發展基金會董事長 Chairman of Skin Education Research & Development Foundation 中華民國醫用雷射學會常務理事Managing President of Laser and Photonic Medicine Society of R.O.C   Skills 皮膚免疫學(異位性皮膚炎) Skin Immunology (Atopic Dermatitis) 雷射治療(色素斑、痘疤、回春) Laser Treatment (Pigment Spots, Acne scar, Skin Rejuvenation) 注射美容(肉毒桿菌素、玻尿酸注射) Injection Therapy (Botulinum Toxin, Hyaluronic Acid) 醫學美容(美白針煥膚導入) Medi  Cosmetic spa (Whitening Injection) 美體雕塑(無創溶脂、曲線雕塑) Body sculpture ( Liposonix、Vela shape)