Antoine FAIX 医师

Antoine Faix is a leading Consultant Uro-Andrologist and Sexologist in France and Switzerland. He is specialized in all areas of male sexual and reproductive health. He is currently the Director of a Sexual Medecine Center in Montpellier in France and belongs to MHISC (Men’s Health International Surgical Center) in Switzerland. He has currently the position of referent of the Comittee for Andrology and Sexual Medecine of AFU (Association Française d’Urologie) , Past-General Secretary of AIUS (French Association of Sexology), Member of the Executive Committee ESSM (European Society of Sexual Medecine). He is specialized in penile implants surgery, Peyronie’s disease, reconstrive andrological surgery, erectile dysfunction and male fertility. Antoine Faix has published numerous articles in all uro-andrological areas and is a widely known through out in Europ.