Dermato-Oncologist and Skin Cancer Surgeon, Medical Director HAUTKLINIK-Dermatological Clinic Mexico City; graduated as Medical surgeon of the Veracruzana University, Mexico; with specialization in Dermatology and Skin Cancer by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is currently the medical director of HAUTKLINIK private dermatological clinic; as well as being a national and international speaker for the high impact pharmaceutical industry of global rejuvenation techniques with hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin, polycaprolactone, resorbable support sutures, calcium hydroxyapatite, enzymatic therapies among other specialized medical procedures. Dr. Ingrid is a spokesperson for the Mexican Foundation of Dermatology, Member of the Mexican Board of Dermatology, Mexican Academy of Dermatology, Mexican Society of Dermatology, and Mexican Foundation for Dermatology, Ibero-Latin American College of Dermatology. Author and co-author of various publications in medical and scientific journals with national and international impact, Co-author and author of several chapters in specialized medical books.