Shirin Hamed Azzam is an Oculoplastic adnexal consultant at Baruch Padeh Poriya and Meuhedet clinic. Her private clinic is at Estemed medical center.

She was graduated from Technion Institute and performed her Ophthalmology residency at Emek medical center. Later, she did an Oculoplastic fellowship at Moorfields eye hospital in London. During the fellowship, she worked with well known Oculoplastic surgeons- Richard Collin, Jimmy Uddin, David Verity, Geoffrey Rose. Her clinical and surgical fields of interest are Eyelids, Lacrimal and Orbit diseases and Esthetics. She published Oculoplastic papers in well known journals including books and presented in international conferences. Moreover, she is a member of several Israeli and European Ophthalology societies and academies. Additionally Dr Hamed Azzam is a board examiner at the Israeli Ophthalmology council.