I have involved in skin care for 30 years. Each year, there are always changes, both in raw materials and lasers. Until today, we can cure the disease that cannot be cured by medicine. We can use the laser to heal or recover. The goal of working life is a delight to treat patients to recover from chronic or long-time diseases. treatment products containing raw materials such as Ceramide, protein, irritating reduction substance which is not a steroid are used to build the dam for skin cells’ top layer. There are many diseases under the skin which can be treated with various lasers based on its characteristics such as;Sebaceous glands that cause acne, rash, dandruff, sensitive skin.
Pigment that causes blemishes, shallow freckles, deep freckles, birthmark, brown birthmark. Vessels causing red birthmark, redness. Able to stimulate collagen to be created naturally. Such tumors as eye sweat ducts or sebaceous glands.
     Start using CO2 laser since 1987, there was no study in Thailand at that time, so I flew to study abroad to see the changes over time which were technology from America, Israel until now. Over sixteen laser machine have been used to get better treatment and address the issue of patients directly.