Trends For 2021 In Beauty Industry And Digitally Evolving Business

三月 29, 2021
Beginning a new year in the beauty industry may have felt strange. Typical predictions about upcoming trends in aesthetic medicine were dramatically influenced by the global pandemic. If you guessed that working from home, masking, and social distancing influenced overall beauty trends for 2021, you’re right.

Client-facing industries are deeply interested in what’s changed and where we’re going in terms of consultation for beauty clients.

At Sylton, we’re curious and innovative- looking far ahead at advances in beauty marketing, analysis, and service delivery technology. Our partners benefit from leading skin analysis devices like Observ 520x in their toolbox.

We’re seeing digital analysis, “Zoom face” and intelligent skincare impacting businesses for the better.

In fact, we’re optimistic that future virtual skin trends are bright for partners at Sylton.
