德国 产品 - 设备 注射剂 - 填充物
Cosmeceutics - Anti aging products
website https://www.adoderm.de/

Founded in 2005 ADODERM and still family owned, Adoderm belongs to the selected group of companies that brought original formulations of hyaluronic acid applied to aesthetic and anti-aging medecine. A full range of hyaluronic acid formulations with and without lidocaine for facial aesthetics and gluteals enhancement. Each line consists of original and unique formulations, being the first company to bring a wide range of different concentrations of H.A (2006), a wide and large spectrum of rheology properties, our fillers are known to have a clear soft extrusion force and the highest rheological values in HA fillers made for volume creation and projection. Designed, Made and Approved in Germany, we distribute our products worldwide across 61 countries. Do not hesitate to visit us at our stand in IMCAS or other congresses where we and our distributing partners are participating.
