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IMCAS Asia 2021


Open stage lectures

Sala: On Demand
Formato: CONTRIBUTIVA > presentaciones que fueron cuidadosamente revisadass ​​y seleccionadas por el Consejo Científico. basadas en presentaciones y/o resúmenes recibidos

Las presentaciones

Oradores Título de la presentación Resumen Número
Combination of filler and toxins for upper face rejuvenation Ver 100915
A novel combined triple-wavelength (755nm, 810nm and 1064nm) laser device for hair removal: efficacy and safety study Ver 99501
Noninvasive periorbital rejuvenation using ablative and non-ablative combination of multisource RF technology Ver 99380
Emerging challenges for aesthetic manufacturers: what is the state of the art? Ensure compliance with the new Medical Device Regulation Ver 111735
Enzymatic proteins for cellulite Ver 101164
Surgical vs non-surgical facial rejuvenation: the patients’ choice Ver 111814
The effect of neuromodulators on proprioception Ver 111813
“Anterior” chemabrasion for acne scars treatment – Scientific review Ver 110430
Injections for hair restoration Ver 110442
The experience and contrivance of 1212 cases of buccal fat pad reduction surgery - An inspection of the mandibular branch anterior border incision app Ver 100564
The day after tomorrow: how to market your practice post pandemic Ver 111920
How artificial intelligence is changing healthcare - A digital marketing revolution Ver 111919
Evaluation of rejuvenating effect of the treatment with high molecular weight HA in the perioral area: open-label clinical study Ver 109792
Combination therapy for facial rejuvenation - An analysis of how Asian faces age & an algorithm driven approach for planning anti-aging treatments Ver 111922
A patented growth factor peptide vs PRP - A randomised, comparative, prospective study Ver 111653
The Importance of hormonal balance in aging and health Ver 108661
Technological advances in accelerated wound repair, stretch marks, keloid scars, and facial regeneration Ver 108663
How to get rid of visceral fat Ver 110170
Female social empowerment - Hidden emotional issues Ver 110171
Adverse effects of sedentary lifestyles: inflammation, and high-glucose induced oxidative stress Ver 110182
Plasma exeresis therapy in combination with NBUVB phototherapy: a novel approach towards repigmentation in vitiligo Ver 111928