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IMCAS World Congress 2023

FOCO EN S067, S068

Forehead to orbit: the winning combo (in collaboration with PAPRAS)

Partner of the session
Philippine Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Sala: Amphi Havane - Level 3
Fecha: jueves 26 enero 2023 de 10:00 a 12:00
Formato: SESIÓN ENFOCADA > presentación que cubre una temática principal del congreso


Dr Javier BEUT
Cirujano Oculoplástico
Dr Michel ROUIF
Cirujano Plástico
Dr Gene Gerald San Juan TIONGCO
Cirujano Plástico

Las presentaciones

Horas Oradores Título de la presentación Resumen Número
10:00 Welcome message from PAPRAS 120598
10:02 My 42-year experience in doing Asian eye lids and eyebags 122243
10:12 Solo-blepharoplasty vs periorbitoplasty 122244
10:22 Post-blepharoplasty lid retraction: a regenerative approach 120602
10:32 Browlift: how to reshape the brows 120599
10:42 MUST lift - Minimal Undermining Suspension Technique - A combined eyebrow and midface lifting through temporal access 120600
10:52 Midface and browlift - A winning combination 120601
11:02 Transpalpebral vertical midface rejuvenation - When, why and how 122245
11:12 EYB: Optimization of surgical correction 121532
11:22 Finesse in periorbital surgery 122252
11:32 Is there still a role for the skin muscle flap in lower lid blepharoplasty? 122253
11:42 Discussion and Q&A 120603