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Обратная связь

«Самая приятная и лучшая обучающая конференция, в которой я участвовал»

"Excellent presentations, a lot of learning and techniques that can be applied in our daily practice in our offices. I thought it was the best and I would attend again without a doubt."

Доктор Olinser Felipe RODRIGUEZ ESTRADA IMCAS Americas 2024 Доктор медицины, Мексика

"Most comprehensive congress in the world. Experts in every field attended. Great to meet and see colleagues from other countries. "

Доктор Steven F WEINER IMCAS World Congress 2023 Пластический хирург лица, США

"It is a great honour and privilege to attend every year IMCAS in Paris You can feel the energy and entrepreneurial spirit here from the moment you step in the ground floor. Definitely the best congress in the world."

Доктор Roberto DELLAVANZATO IMCAS World Congress 2024 Пластический хирург, Италия

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