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IMCAS Americas 2023

ФОКУС НА S097, S098

Buttocks - Efficacy & safety

Зал: Room 5
Дата: суббота 22 июля 2023 в 12:00 до 14:00
Формат: ФОКУС-СЕССИЯ > лекции по основной теме конгресса


Доктор Pier Luigi CANTA
Пластический хирург
Доктор Alessandra HADDAD
Пластический хирург

Лекции сессии

Время Спикеры Заголовок сессии Абстракт Номер
12:00 Anatomy for gluteal surgery 131267
12:12 Systematic evaluation of the Female Buttocks for Hyaluronic Acid, Fat or Gluteal Implants. The Science behind the Art 124891
12:24 Artistic and surgical anatomy of the buttock contour with advanced technologies. 124894
12:36 Complications in buttocks augmentation 124897
12:48 Gluteoplasty in Post Massive Weight Loss Patients. Treatment Options 124899
13:00 Improving outcomes in gluteal surgery 124892
13:12 French Butt Reshaping (FBR) combining Implants, Fat & High Def Liposuction 124898
13:24 How to improve safety in gluteal lipofilling Посмотреть 124900
13:36 Analysis, planning and execution of composite body contouring, avoiding overfilling BBL’s 124901
13:48 Debate and final Q&A 124902