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IMCAS Азия 2017


Anatomy on Cadaver workshop

Зал: Room 1
Дата: пятница 21 июля 2017 в 14:00 до 17:00
Формат: СЕМИНАР ПО АНАТОМИИ > углубленный курс анатомии, который можно комбинировать с лечением пациента в режиме реального времени


Доктор Benjamin ASCHER
Пластический хирург
Доктор Philippe KESTEMONT
Пластический хирург лица

Лекции сессии

Время Спикеры Заголовок сессии Абстракт Номер
14:00 Welcome and introduction by the Chairs 56969
14:05 Part 1: danger zones for toxin injections - Dissection on cadaver 56895
14:20 Part 1: danger zones for toxin injections - Injections on living patient (with the unrestricted educational grant from IPSEN) - Live from Nice 56979
14:40 Commentator 56981
14:45 Part 2: danger zones for periorbital filler injections. Retro and peribulbar - Dissection on cadaver 56983
14:45 Part 2: danger zones for periorbital filler injections. Retro and peribulbar - Dissection on cadaver 58009
15:00 Part 2: danger zones for periorbital filler injections. Retro and peribulbar - Injections on living patient (with the unrestricted educational grant from Vivacy) - Live from Nice 56985
15:20 Commentator: intravascular complications- Fighting the dogmas 56987
15:30 Part 3: danger zones for mid face filler injections - Dissection on cadaver 56989
15:45 Part 3: danger zones for mid face filler injections - Live video (with the unrestricted educational grant from LG) - Live from Bali Посмотреть 56991
16:05 Commentator 56993
16:10 Part 4: breast fat anatomy - Dissection on cadaver 56995
16:25 Part 4: breast fat anatomy - Live video (with the unrestricted educational grant from Motiva) 56997
16:45 Commentator 56999
16:50 Questions & answers 57639