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IMCAS World Congress 2022


Jetema Symposium - JAM masterclass: Case studies in fillers, threads and toxin with expert panel on complications

Откройте для себя: последние видео и новости компании
Зал: Room Maillot - Level 2
Дата: суббота 4 июня 2022 в 13:30 до 15:30
Формат: ПРОМЫШЛЕННЫЙ СИМПОЗИУМ> рекламно-образовательные сессии компании-организатора, представляющая свои продукты и услуги непосредственно участникам


Доктор Hema SUNDARAM

Лекции сессии

Время Спикеры Заголовок сессии Абстракт Номер
13:30 Welcome and Introduction 114832
13:40 Science: Decision points for fillers, threads, and toxin - key rheology, biomechanics, and cell signalling 114833
14:00 Anatomy: Essentials for safety and success (with cadaver video demonstration) 114834
14:15 Anatomy + Technique: Finessing the Periorbital Region (includes pre-recorded video demonstration with live commentary) 114837
14:15 Anatomy + Technique: Finessing the Periorbital Region (includes pre-recorded video demonstration with live commentary) 114835
14:35 Technique: Practical algorithms for decision-making - fillers, threads, or toxin? (includes pre-recorded demonstration with live commentary) 116857
14:50 Evidence: Prospective evaluation of midface treatment with HA filler and PDO threads - an interim report (with a pre-recorded demonstration from Dr Hosung Choi) 114836
15:05 Safety: Complications case studies with panel discussion and interactive Q&A (moderated by Dr Hema Sundaram) 114917