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IMCAS World Congress 2023

ФОКУС НА S185, S186

Aesthetic and ethnic considerations in combined treatments

Зал: Room 141 - Level 1
Дата: суббота 28 января 2023 в 16:00 до 18:00
Формат: ФОКУС-СЕССИЯ > лекции по основной теме конгресса


Доктор Chiranjiv CHHABRA
Доктор Teresita Santillan FERRARIZ

Лекции сессии

Время Спикеры Заголовок сессии Абстракт Номер
16:00 Introduction 119972
16:02 Mesosynergy: combined therapies for the treatment and prevention of skin aging (educational grant from Toskanimed) Посмотреть 119979
16:14 Ethnic consideration in aesthetic medicine 119973
16:26 Combination treatments for wrinkles 119974
16:38 Combining BBL and 650-microsecond Nd:Yag laser in Latino skins 119975
16:50 Discussion 119976
17:00 A severe case of severe facial aging and dermatoheliosis treated with a combined approach Посмотреть 119977
17:12 The importance of combined therapies for total skin regeneration from fractional plasma to exosomes  119978
17:24 How and why we know beauty when we see it, and why it is important Посмотреть 121917
17:36 Discussion and Q&A 119980