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"It was an outstanding experience. Very well organized, full of advanced scientific updated information in dermatology and aesthetic dermatology field. Highly relevant and very useful content. I'm definitely looking forward to the next time I will attend the IMCAS in Paris "

Ilie OCTAVIAN 医师 在 IMCAS World Congress 2024 医师, 法国

"It was a great experience, to be updated on the most recent technologies in the Aesthetics. It was such a pleasure to be surrounded by top dermatologists and surgeons from all over the world. I'm definitely looking forward to the next time that I will attend the IMCAS. The sessions about injectables were really informative and added a lot to my knowledge, the registration process was easy and straightforward . "

Mona SALEH 医师 在 IMCAS World Congress 2022 皮肤科医师, 阿拉伯联合酋长国

"An intensive educational conference covering major themes in dermatology, plastic surgery & aging science. The best in the field present a dynamic learning program with evidence-based research and latest techniques."

Lina SHAMMOUT ABDULBAKI 医师 在 IMCAS World Congress 2022 皮肤科医师, 卡塔尔
