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Americas 2018

聚焦 S13

Video Anatomy on Cadaver - Buttocks & breast

会议室: Room 1
日期: 2018年 3月 16日 星期五 从 08:30 至 09:40
组织形式: 解剖学研讨会 > 可以与患者的实时治疗相结合的深入型解剖课程。
目标: 1. Review the anatomy and danger zones of the buttocks & breasts for lipofilling through a cadaver dissection 2. Present methods for safe fat harvest and cleaning before lipofilling 3. Demonstrate lipofilling in the breast & buttocks


Sebastien GARSON 医师


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
08:30 Fat for buttocks - Video dissection on a cadaver 67925
08:45 Live video demonstration - Lipofilling buttocks 67927
08:55 Comments 67929
09:00 Fat for breast - Video dissection on a cadaver 68043
09:15 Live video demonstration - Breast lipofilling 68045
09:25 Debate - Buttock and breast lipofilling 68359
09:25 Debate - Buttock and breast lipofilling 68361
09:25 Debate - Buttock and breast lipofilling 68049