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IMCAS Americas 2022

聚焦 S112-S116

Contributed talks

会议室: Exhibition hall
日期: 2022年 7月 23日 星期六 从 11:30 至 15:06
组织形式: 公开演讲 > 在位于展区内的专用讲台上公开演讲,整个过程由会方视听团队录制。


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
11:30 Erectus shot technique 查看 116778
11:42 Assessment of the interference of hyper-diluted CaHA for neck rejuvenation in the ultrasonographic evaluation of thyroid 查看 116290
11:54 Gluteal augmentation 查看 115071
12:06 New approach in skin rejuvenation - Sinergistic effect of PRP and collagen 查看 114921
12:18 New approach for regenerative rejuvenation 查看 114567
12:30 The combined treatment with focused ultrasound and HA fillers for facial rejuvenation 查看 108706
12:42 Microneedling delivery of botulinum toxin in treatment of facial hyperhidrosis 查看 117095
12:54 The use of hyaluronidase to avoid unaesthetic outcomes of traumatic hematomas from cosmetic procedures 查看 115450
13:06 Harmony and trend: a possible combination for the redefinition of the midface, lips and lower face through a single entry point technique for hemiface 查看 115451
13:18 Formulations featuring an antioxidant blend, polyphenols rich plant stem cell cultures and botanicals for skin inflammation 117060
13:30 The rationale for using Nd:Yag lasers in low level laser therapy on postoperative wounds 查看 115452
13:42 Fox-eye thread lift 查看 117054
13:54 Dermatologic outpatient surgery in tumescence local anesthesia 查看 117260
14:06 The latest advances in prescribing hydroquinone safely and effectively long-term 查看 117232
14:18 How to improve our patient sexuality - The role of the G spot 查看 117061
14:30 Reinforcing the use of the 4mm needle for lip fill: a review study 查看 116985
14:42 Systematization of vulvar filling with HA - Vulvar anatomy system 查看 117300