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Asia 2018

聚焦 S135

IMCAS Alert - Clinical cases review: surgery

会议室: Room 5
日期: 2018年 7月 15日 星期日 从 16:30 至 17:30
组织形式: 临床案例研究 > 专家提出异常或困难的病例,然后评估不同的治疗结果和患者护理。


Sebastien GARSON 医师


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
16:30 IMCAS Alert introduction 75919
16:33 Present the clinical case 1 - Cutaneous rash after breast implant changement 75917
16:36 Experts debate: how do I treat 75909
16:36 Experts debate: how do I treat 75911
16:36 Experts debate: how do I treat 75913
16:36 Experts debate: how do I treat 75915
16:46 Conclusion of the case 1 75923
16:50 Present the clinical case 2 - Recurrent anatomic gel implant malrotation 75921
16:53 Experts debate: how do I treat 75931
17:03 Conclusion of the case 2 75925
17:07 Present the clinical case 3 - Infection post breast implant after implant reconstruction 75929
17:10 Experts debate: how do I treat 75933
17:20 Conclusion of the case 3 75927
17:24 Questions and answers 75935