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英卡思 亚洲年会 2023

聚焦 S044

COOLHEALTH Symposium - Supersonic cooling innovations for comfortable injections and targeted delivery: exploring the latest advances in skin boosting treatments with TargetCool

会议室: Room 1
日期: 2023年 6月 10日 星期六 从 11:00 至 12:00
组织形式: 企业卫星会 > 参展公司进行的促销和教育会议,直接向参加者展示其产品和服务


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
11:00 Greetings and introductions 124092
11:02 Introduction to precision rapid cooling technology of TargetCool 124093
11:14 Maximizing protocol safety and patient comfort for injectables using precision cooling technology 127068
11:26 Understanding the impact of carbon dioxide on recovery and outcome for energy-based procedures 127069
11:38 Precision cooling and targeted delivery: revolutionizing energy-based procedures with exosomes and TargetCool 127070
11:50 Q & A 127071