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聚焦 061

THREADS - Advanced techniques

会议室: Room 4
日期: 2024年 6月 22日 星期六 从 09:00 至 10:30
组织形式: 聚焦课程 > 涵盖大会的一个主要议题


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
09:00 An noval approach to do threading suspension without cog. 查看 134432
09:12 Sub-brow lift with Orbicularis oris & orbital fat manipulation: upper eyelid favored by the elderly 134434
09:24 Double layer PDO thread lifting technique 134435
09:36 Sonoanatomy of temple and facial nerve pathway for thread lifting on face 134436
09:48 Thread lifting methods. Practical advices and techniques. Tips and Tricks. 查看 134437
10:00 The Power of Multi-directional Barbed Threads in Asian Nose Augmentation 134433
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