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聚焦 092

Male face and body - How do I optimise

会议室: Room 2
日期: 2024年 6月 23日 星期日 从 11:00 至 12:00
组织形式: 聚焦课程 > 涵盖大会的一个主要议题


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
11:00 The new masculinity 查看 138214
11:10 BIGSHOT: A novel and ideal technique for non-surgical male enhancement 134628
11:20 “Uberman” trend for masculine aesthetic in Asia 134630
11:30 Facial volume restoration for men: a focus on the injection point differences 134631
11:40 Medical and Aesthetic Approach on Male Aesthetics in Asians 134629
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