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IMCAS World Congress 2017


Alopecia & Hair restoration

会议室: E-learning station
组织形式: n/a


讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
PRP in alopecia: an Indian experience of over 100 patients 查看 50505
The impact of FUE harvest on the donor area: is it safe or are we going in wrong direction? 查看 50513
Treatment of alopecia by mesotherapy with biotin, micronutrients and vitamins 查看 50275
Psycho-social aspects in a hair loss patient 查看 49521
PRP treatment for androgenic alopecia 查看 49547
Effect of previous surgery on transection rates of follicular units 查看 50315
Clinical research of hair distribution in Chinese adult males 查看 50353
Robotic hair transplant in women 查看 50355