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World Congress 2018

聚焦 S023, S024

Video Class - Body contouring: fighting cellulite

会议室: Room 3
日期: 2018年 2月 1日 星期四 从 16:30 至 18:30
组织形式: 选修课程 > 一组专家通过相应的应用技术对特定主题进行深入培训
目标: understand the latest developments in cellulite treatment expand your knowledge of non-surgical approaches, including calcium, micro focused hydroxyapatite and PLLA, to improve cellulite evaluate the use of liposuction for body shaping and how it can be enhanced by combining treatments


Piero CRABAI 医师
Muriel CREUSOT 医师


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
16:30 Combination of calcium and micro focused hydroxyapatite ultrasound for improvement of cellulite 54265
16:42 What is new in cellulite? 查看 62335
16:54 Non-surgical body contouring for cellulite 63005
17:06 Liposuction results for body shaping 查看 61919
17:18 PLLA for body contouring: Brazilian experience 59779
17:30 Body contouring: cellulite 60315
17:42 How combined treatments can enhance the liposuction process 62191
17:54 Excess abdominal fat deposit: chemical treatments PPC Deox 查看 64089
18:06 Challenging cases in Body Contouring Surgery: Pitfalls & Pearls 查看 62735
18:18 Questions and answers 67065