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World Congress 2018

聚焦 S247, S248

Video Class - Threads

会议室: Room 7
日期: 2018年 2月 3日 星期六 从 16:30 至 18:30
组织形式: 选修课程 > 一组专家通过相应的应用技术对特定主题进行深入培训
目标: know how manage patient expectations understand potential complications with threads through case studies know how to achieve optimal thread lift results in Asian patients develop your knowledge of suspension suture thread lifting techniques for the different areas of the face and neck, and how they can be combined with other treatments


Denis GUILLO 医师
Pierre NICOLAU 医师


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
16:30 Elastic suspension threads (non-resorbable) 60689
16:42 Complications and vector art of thread lift in Asian 查看 62999
16:54 Update on suture suspension threadlifting of the face and neck 64641
17:06 Biodegradable suture suspension: rejuvenation of the face and neck 62949
17:30 Facial reshaping with thread 62073
17:42 A wink at the eyebrow lift 查看 62971
17:54 Thread lifting, expectation and reality: view of doctor and patient 61127
18:06 Questions and answers 67371