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World Congress 2018

聚焦 S281

Target Course - All you need to know about scars (intermediate level)

会议室: Room 12
日期: 2018年 2月 3日 星期六 从 08:00 至 09:00
组织形式: NOT USED - 目标课程 > 2位主要专家,每位都深入探讨一个主题,以最大程度提高学习成果和实际应用
目标: explore the effectiveness of fractional ultra pulsed CO2 laser in treating burn scars update your knowledge of how early intervention with lasers and improve scar appearance


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
08:00 How to address severe burn scars with ultrapulse CO2 查看 59141
08:20 Early laser intervention to improve scar appearance 58403
08:40 5-minute presentation by the industry (educational grant) 65155
08:40 EnerJet2.0 for scar tissue remodeling: perfect solution for acne scars, stretch marks and hypertrophic and keloid scars (under an educational grant) 65153
08:45 Questions and answers 67419
