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World Congress 2018

聚焦 S179, S180

Laboratoires Vivacy Symposium - Key aspects of safe & successful facial viscosculpting

会议室: Room 11
日期: 2018年 2月 2日 星期五 从 11:00 至 13:00
组织形式: 企业卫星会 > 参展公司进行的促销和教育会议,直接向参加者展示其产品和服务


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
11:00 Vivacy’s latest developments and technologies: Stylage® Bi-soft® and Vivacy security 64135
11:20 Anatomical basics and injection techniques in medical rhinoplasty. Live: nose injection with Stylage® 64139
11:40 The importance of anatomic knowledge when treating the ageing mid and lower face 64137
12:00 Lips rejuvenation with Stylage® special lips 64141
12:30 Stop Facial Ageing Method™ using Stylage® dermal fillers 64143