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World Congress 2018

聚焦 S265, S266

Young surgeons - Breast implants for beginners

会议室: Room 10
日期: 2018年 2月 3日 星期六 从 08:00 至 10:15
组织形式: 聚焦课程 > 涵盖大会的一个主要议题


Jonathan FERNANDEZ 医师
Jean Francois PASCAL 医师


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
08:00 Shape implants: how helpful are they? 53795
08:12 Breast implants: an evidence-based review of new perspetives and long term safety data 查看 59939
08:24 Breast implants for beginners: what you need to know 60389
08:36 Pros and cons in using polyurethane implants 65053
08:48 Breast augmentation and mastopexy 65055
09:00 Transaxillary breast augmentation 查看 65057
09:12 Breast augmentation - How to be safe and quick 查看 65059
09:24 Biofilm and breast implants - Experimental studies and clinical implications 66643
09:36 Round table discussion: an update on BIA-ALCL 66775
09:56 Round table discussion: how to develop the Young Surgeons' community 66777
09:56 Round table discussion: how to develop the Young Surgeons' community 66779