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World Congress 2018


会议室: Webcast Studio
日期: 2018年 2月 2日 星期五 从 09:00 至 17:00
组织形式: 预先录制 > 预先录制演示文稿以备将来使用


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
09:40 New concept in adipose tissue physiopathology: From the adypocite to the adipose derived stem cells (A.D.S.C.) 查看 60257
10:00 Contact dermatis 2018 update 66449
10:20 Scar current concepts and future prospects towards early intervention to guide wound healing towards normal skin 60327
10:40 Use of a Novel 1540 Er:Glass laser in the management of Benign cutaneous tumors 查看 60805
11:00 PRP: the ultimate filler 查看 61977
11:20 Neuro-endocrine skin connections, the gut-brain axis and their role in aging, nutrition, and skin anti-aging strategies 查看 60355
11:40 Acne scars in Japanese 查看 62081
12:00 Facial scars: how to optimize results using cosmetic surgery, lasers and other adjuncts 查看 59181
12:20 QR 678 hair growth factor injections: the new patented panacea for alopecia 查看 61827
14:00 Direct cutaneous excisions 64585
14:20 Biotechnology in aesthetic and anti-aging medicine 64969
14:40 Body Dysmorphic disorder: prevalence, identification and management in the aesthetic patient 查看 63775
15:00 Non-contact lipolysis with a Novel RF device 查看 60801
15:20 Update in ptsosis 65667
15:40 Comprehensive facial contouring in Chinese population 65423
16:00 Correct the mandibular line deformation: presentation / assessment / tools and methods / video treatment / results 查看 58633
16:20 Combined application of CO2 laser and RF with PRP therapy as a preparatory stage before dermal fillers 查看 66039
16:40 Genital rejuvenation: how to change the quality of aging mucosa 62311