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IMCAS World Congress 2023

聚焦 OS S001

Open stage - Scientific lectures - Breast surgery

会议室: Open stage - Exhibition hall Level 3
日期: 2023年 1月 26日 星期四 从 10:00 至 11:00
组织形式: 公开演讲 > 在位于展区内的专用讲台上公开演讲,整个过程由会方视听团队录制。


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
10:00 Composite mastopexy combining lipofilling and gland remodeling in postpartum patients 查看 120310
10:12 Tuberous breast - A wide spectrum of features of the same disorder: experience-based classification and reconstructive algorithm 查看 120309
10:24 Autologous vs alloplastic breast reconstruction – Differences in complication rates and long-term satisfaction 查看 122436
10:36 In search of excellence in major breast reductions - A 23 year experience 查看 120308