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IMCAS World Congress 2023

聚焦 S085

ACROSS Symposium - Reaching new horizons in facial harmony with Revolax™ dermal filler: advanced triple combination treatment (Revolax™ + BoNT + thread lifting) strategy meets optimized beautification

查阅 ACROSS CO LTD 最新视频和新闻
会议室: Room Ternes - Level 1
日期: 2023年 1月 27日 星期五 从 08:30 至 10:00
组织形式: 企业卫星会 > 参展公司进行的促销和教育会议,直接向参加者展示其产品和服务


Hyoung Jin MOON 医师


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
08:30 Facial ultrasound anatomy: direct visualization of the underlying anatomy 查看 118129
08:50 Dynamic balance and lifting for upper & lower face (Revolax™ + BoNT + thread lifting) 122837
09:10 A holistic approach to refined and balanced facial aesthetics (Revolax™ + BoNT + thread lifting) 查看 122838
09:30 Sharing experiences with Revolax™: A clinical case series 122839
09:40 Preferred techniques for facial profile balancing using Revolax™ 122840
09:50 Positioning of Revolax™ in clinical practice: Practical approaches for harmony and balance 122841
