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IMCAS World Congress 2024

聚焦 034, 035

Threads - Contributed talks

会议室: Room 242 - Level 2
日期: 2024年 2月 1日 星期四 从 16:00 至 18:00
组织形式: 投稿演讲 > 基于对提交的演示文稿摘要的审核,学术委员会通过的投稿演讲。


Fatima Zahra BELGNAOUI 医师
Huray HUGUL 医师


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
16:00 Thread lifting of the midface: a multicenter, observational, prospective study for objective outcome evaluation in the midface 查看 130521
16:08 The art of facial rejuvenation with absorbable threads 查看 130512
16:16 Biodegradation of various types of filaments in laboratory animals 查看 130514
16:24 Subtle eyebrow lift using absorbable threads of PLLA and caprolactone with HA 查看 130515
16:32 "Fox Eyes" with threads 查看 130516
16:40 Improving static & dynamic appearance of facial paralysis with suspension sutures 查看 130517
16:48 How can we achieve a long-lasting brow lifting without patient burden - A novel technique 查看 130519
16:56 Thread facelift: advantages and disadvantages 查看 130520
17:04 Thread lift from the eyes of a dermatologist 查看 130518
17:12 PLACLHA threads lower face remodeling combined with HA chin and prejowl sulcus 查看 130522
17:20 Thread lifting technique tips to minimize complication 查看 133345
17:28 Female and male faces with threads - Features of the technique 查看 133346
17:36 Beyond the surface: elevating male aesthetics with thread-lifting precision 133347
17:44 Treating perioral “barcode” wrinkles with thread-mesobotox 查看 130513
17:52 Q&A 130523