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To date no precise data are available for extrusion forces related to the G-prime and G-double-prime of fillers in combination with different 27G and 30G needles. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze extrusion forces of various product-needle-combinations containing two different 27G and two different 30G needles in combination with fillers of a wide range of elastic moduli starting from 2.0 – 166.0 Pa.
Konstantin Frank MDa, Thilo L. Schenck MD PhDa, Diana Gavril MDb, Arthur Swift MDc, Steven Liew MDd, David L. Freytag a, Antonia Kaiser a, Jeremy B. Green MDe, Kate Beleznay MDf, Sebastian Cotofana MD PhDg
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Save the date, February 12 (Friday) at 10:00 AM Germany. Webinar on gluteal augmentation with Dr.Med.G.Sattler, Germany with 2 cases. More info DM or #variofillforglutealaugmentation #variofillHA #masterfillerinjector #itsallaboutharmony #itsallaboutsafety #madeingermany #adoderm #Hyabell #varioderm #fillerinjector #harheology #isdsworld #fillerinjector #aestheticspioneer
see moreWe wish to all of you a happy and lovely Year of the Ox. #chinesenewyear #hyabellasia #v18 #variofillforglutealaugmentation #adoderm #fromgermanywithlove
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