"It will be a great opportunity to meet colleagues and talk about the most current topics related to aesthetics and modern rhinoplasty."
Dr Tiago LYRIOPlastic Surgeon, Brazil
"Estimados Colegas de Brasil y Latinoamerica, los invito a todos a participar del primer IMCAS Brazil!
IMCAS es el evento de medicina y cirugía estética más importante a nivel global y por primera vez se hace en Brasil, en la ciudad de San Pablo. Durante 3 días podran disfrutar de las novedades y avances de técnicas y tecnologías a través de las conferencias y live demos de especialistas de todos los rincones del mundo!! Los esperamos!!"
Dr Fabian PEREZ RIVERAPlastic Surgeon, Argentina
"Hola soy la Dra Maia Siciliano Especialista en Medicina Estetica, Nutrición y Medicina del Deporte; Mi triple especialidad me permite abordar a los pacientes en forma integral, completa y personalizada. Los invito a formar parte de IMCAS Americas 2024 siendo el congreso líder en Estetica y ciencias del envejecimiento del cual tengo el honor de ser parte y les estaré brindando toda mi experiencia en Bioestimulacion Integral Femenina con PLLA. Los espero! "
Dr Ornella Del Pilar SICILIANOMD, Argentina
"É uma honra poder fazer parte do Board Científico de um dos maiores Congressos Científicos do Mundo ! Agora com uma edição AMÉRICAS pela primeira vez em nossa Pátria Amada BRASIL 🇧🇷"
Dr Carlos BAUTZERPlastic Surgeon, Brazil
"IMCAS AMÉRICAS will be incredible, we look forward to sharing the best of Brazilian Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine! I have been actively participating in IMCAS in Paris for 10 years and I say here with all conviction how important all the classes, teachings and exchanges of experiences and medical conduct were in my career! I am proud to have created the book “Dermatology and Generations” and my eyes shine with the theme Dermatology of the Future that will present on 27/04 at SDS! "
Dr Geisa COSTADermatologist, Brazil
"I invite everyone to participate in IMCAS Brazil. Unmissable event"
Dr Alexandre FILIPPODermatologist, Brazil
"My name Is Luciana Lourenço, I’m a dermatologist in São Paulo and it will be a great pleasure to welcome doctors to the first IMCAS AMÉRICAS in Brazil. I am honored to be a Speaker and be able to contribute with my experiences in buttocks, cellulite and regenerative medicine"
Dr Luciana LOURENCODermatologist, Brazil
"Hi Dear colleagues
This is Dr Sayam Qureshi I m a practicing dermatologist from India And I am very excited to share my thoughts on acne scars treatment with lasers,and I also invite to attend the imcas america 2024 sao paulo let's celebrate the aesthetic bonanza together. See you all"
Dr Sayam QURESHIDermatologist, India
"IMCAS Americas, está vindo para o Brasil pela primeira vez. É uma oportunidade única para você entrar em contato com os mais experientes profissionais da área da cosmiatria clínica e cirúrgica, e eu vou estar lá, Não perca!
IMCAS Americas is coming for the first time to Brazil. It is a unique oportunity to get in touch with the most expirienced professionals in the surgery and aesthetic fields, and I will be there. Don´t miss it!"
Dr Marcio SOARES SERRADermatologist, Brazil
"As we gather to explore the latest advancements and challenges in aesthetic medicine, I am honored to address a crucial issue that demands our attention – the rising incidence of iatrogenic complications. Patients entrust us with their care, expecting safe and effective procedures. However, the proliferation of non-medical practitioners in aesthetic medicine poses significant risks. I am privileged to present a case series highlighting this pressing issue."
Dr Fernanda BRAGA JUNCODermatologist, Brazil
"Temos o prazer de convidar você para participar do IMCAS América, um evento pioneiro que será realizado pela primeira vez no Brasil! Esta é uma oportunidade imperdível de você se conectar com especialistas de renome mundial nas áreas da cosmiatria clínica, cirúrgica, saúde e longevidade.
Não perca a chance de fazer parte deste evento extraordinário, inscreva-se agora e junte-se a nós para uma jornada de aprendizado, colaboração e inspiração!
Dr Tiana BURMANNOphthalmologist, Brazil
"Join me into the pulsating ambiance of Sao Paulo, Brazil, hailed as one of South America's premier aesthetic epicenters. This distinguished 6th edition of IMCAS AMERICAS unites illustrious Brazilian experts with a global community. Within this dynamic milieu, we have the opportunity to elevate our proficiency in medical aesthetics with cutting-edge innovations while unraveling the enthralling interplay between beauty and science!"
Dr Alexandra MORA HERNANDEZFacial Plastic Surgeon, Colombia
"IMCAS America es una oportunidad única de conectar y trabajar con colegas de LATAM en un ambiente académico y de gran cordialidad.
NO pierdas esta gran oportunidad!"