Objectives: The antiaging ecosystem is changing forcing the necessity of developing ‘deep moats”. Moat is a strategy that protects a company from competitors. The analysis of an ecosystem can be described as a whirlwind movement of interrelated trends shifting around a central theme that is often at the tip of our tongues and in front of our eyes, yet difficult to define. In order to identify the direction of this core flux, we need imagination, mental flexibility, and a complex understanding of how an intervention delivered at the right time can have an impact in stabilizing our ever-changing environment
Introduction: In the past 20 years the enterprise of “looking good” has evolved from just beauty to Anti-aging, increasing the popularity of concepts like Regenerative / Proactive Medicine and Longevity. A plethora of new methodologies has flooded the market, hormone replacement therapy that took centre-stage for a while, stem cells, Botox, fillers, lasers, RF, all in the service of youth enhancement and slimming. Collagen became the most famous buzzword. What is Collagen? It is one out of 100,000 proteins in our bodies. Importantly, all proteins are only functioning when they are folded or “natured”.
Materials / method: Some lasers and all RF technologies denature or unfold proteins, clearly nullifying their functionality. If that is the case, then how is it possible that so many laser and RF clinical studies claim to have produced new collagen? The answer to this question is that these clinical studies only test the site where the laser or RF was applied. The traumatized body sends more collagen to the site of the injury, as it should, to repair itself.
Results: However, no laser or RF clinical studies have investigated if there is a collagen deficiency in the non-treated side of the body. That would mean that the body has produced the exact same amount of collagen that is temporarily concentrated at the site of the trauma, a fact that would make the reports of new collagen production greatly exaggerated. In science, we always need to falsify hypotheses, because we will always find instances to verify a hypothesis whether is true or false.
Conclusion: There is a forced detour towards healthy living, exercise, and overall guarding of health. We cannot ignore the possibility of developing medical conditions as a result of COVID-19 compromising immunity that allows it to remain hidden in our system, undermining our health. Despite the general insistence on adhering to beauty-enhancing technologies the anti-aging ecosystem has, in fact, changed its direction; and this new direction is not random, but specific, moving away from vanity and heading towards health.
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