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IMCAS World Congress 2018


Target Course - A to Z of vaginal tightening

Room: Room 12
Date: Friday 2 February 2018 at 17:30 to 18:30
Format: NOT USED - TARGET COURSE > 2 key experts each cover a topic in-depth for maximum learning outcome and practical application
> organisation 60min:
2 successive 20min in-depth presentations
20min interactive discussion time with the audience
> not chaired
Objectives: recognise the different techniques available for vaginal tightening, including both surgical and non-surgical options understand how RF and electroporation can be used in vaginal tightening

Lectures of the session

Hours Speakers Lecture title Abstract Number
17:30 Vaginal tightening: surgical and other options View 63955
17:50 RF and vaginal electroporation synergies for vaginal tightening: medical and other options 61465
18:10 Questions and answers 67335