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IMCAS World Congress 2020


WorldPRP Symposium - Sexual enhancement with PRP

Discover WORLD PRP's latest videos and news
Room: Room 251 - level 2
Date: Friday 31 January 2020 at 08:00 to 09:00
Format: INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM > promotional and educational session by the organizing company who presents their products and services directly to attendees

Lectures of the session

Hours Speakers Lecture title Abstract Number
08:00 PRP history in regenerative medicine 98827
08:05 Scientific evidences 99419
08:10 Growth factors involved in sexual enhancement 99765
08:15 Efficient PRP kit criteria: why World PRP? 99766
08:15 Efficient PRP kit criteria: why World PRP? 99990
08:20 P-Shot®: how I do it with a live treatment video 99767
08:20 P-Shot®: how I do it with a live treatment video 99991
08:35 O-Shot®: how I do it with a live treatment video 99768
08:35 O-Shot®: how I do it with a live treatment video 99994
08:50 Conclusion and Q&A 99993