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IMCAS World Congress 2023


NEAUVIA Symposium - Hashimoto - Safety of PEGylated HA fillers in autoimmune patients and the synergistic effect with infrared technology

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Room: Room 252 - Level 2
Date: Friday 27 January 2023 at 14:00 to 15:30
Format: INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM > promotional and educational session by the organizing company who presents their products and services directly to attendees

Lectures of the session

Hours Speakers Lecture title Abstract Number
14:00 Welcome and introduction 123396
14:10 The innovation of PEGylated fillers – Why we research with Hashimoto and prevalence 123397
14:25 Hashimoto: the study method and why results and interpretation of results 123398
14:40 Prevalence with different patient story (doctors' responsibility) 123399
14:55 Nlift with autoimmune disease case reports 123400
15:10 Smart combination therapy philosophy 123401
15:25 Summary and Q&A session 124253