Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a study group (SG) regarding the use of FG-e-ASCs and also FG-e-PRP in breast augmentation for aesthetic improvement, comparing the results with a control group (CG) and at the same time the safety and efficacy of a study group (SG-1) regarding the use of FG-e-ASCs and FG-e-PRP in breast reconstruction, comparing the results with a control group (CG-1). Additionally, the same protocol (SG-2 vs CG-2) was applied for face soft tissue defects evaluation.
The mechanical minimal manipulation of fat was showed.
Introduction: Fat grafts enhanced with adipose-derived stem cells (FG-e-ASCs) and with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) have been used in outcomes of radiotherapy after mastectomy, breast soft tissue defects, ulcers, and loss of substance. The author presents his experience using FG-e-ASCs and FG-e-PRP in breast augmentation, breast reconstruction and for soft tissue defects.
Materials / method: 46 patients affected by breast hypoplasia (SG) were treated with FG-e-ASCs, comparing results with those of a CG (n = 30) treated with fat graft not enhanced (FG-ne-ASCs).
121 patients (SG-1) who were affected by the outcomes of breast oncoplastic surgery were treated with FG-e-ASC.
33 patients (SG-2) who were affected by the face soft tissue defects were treated with FG-e-PRP, comparing results with those of a CG-2 (n = 30) treated with fat graft not enhanced (FG-ne-PRP).
Results: The patients treated, for breast augmentation (SG), with FG-e-ASCs showed (through MRI) 58% maintenance of fat volume after 3 years compared with the patients of the CG treated with FG-ne-ASCs, who showed 29% maintenance. The patients treated, for breast reconstruction (SG-1), with FG-e-ASCs showed (through MRI) 51% maintenance of fat volume after 3 years compared with the patients of the CG-1 treated with FG-ne-ASCs, who showed 21% maintenance.
The patients treated, for face soft tissue defects (SG-2), with FG-e-PRP showed (through MRI) 63% maintenance of fat volume after 3 years vs 21%CG-2.
Conclusion: The use of FG-e-ASCs and FG-e-PRP was safe and effective in this series of cases performed.
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