Objectives: * Share my experience on the benefits that bipolar radiofrequency offers us with the combination of dissimilar handpieces (including fractional and/or RFAL technology) in the non-surgical treatment of entities at the genital level such as hypertrophy of the labia minora and ptosis of the labia majora. , in the clitoral hood, in pelvic floor dysfunctions such as stress urinary incontinence, certain degrees of prolapse, urogenital atrophy.
*Show the before and after results clinically and the changes in the tissue under ultrasound vision in real time through elastography.
Introduction: For more than 50 years in medicine, radiofrequency has been applied for different treatments, however, its application to the female external genitalia has only emerged in the last decade. The use of radiofrequency in this region is of particular interest since the tensor effect at tissue level is known. Lordella et al , Vanaman et al, used radiofrequency in patients with vulvovaginal hyperlaxity with a high rate of post-treatment satisfaction and improvement in sexual function (lubrication and arousal).
Materials / method: Bipolar radiofrequency machine with different devices that we use in synergies. Whether fractionated, RFAL method and non-invasive to achieve improvement in genital, pelvic floor and abdominal CORE disorders in women.
I shall present 10 exemplary clinical cases of how these devices can be combined for a better result.
One ultrasound machine to measure changes in the tissue in real time after treatment.
I will show you videos and published studies with this type of energy that is revolutionizing our surgical practice.
Results: -All clinical cases (100%) shown felt satisfied with their evolution after completing the therapies.
-Improvement in the measurement of the vaginal maturity index, sexual health, EVA and ICQSF scale.
-Sonographically we demonstrate the results of the improvement in the tissues with elastography and flow doppler (virtual biopsy (r))
Conclusion: The most important point: the learning curve of these techniques for professionals is not long, it is safe and benefits for our patients.
We empower sexual and social health of many women, by not submitting them to surgery at the outset, with the added risks and slow recovery.
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