Objectives: Highlighting the impact of AI as an assistant in daily practice of a modern dermatology clinic. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of AI as a medical tool.
Introduction: The concept and integration of AI, the validation process and today`s accuracy of the tool. Based on clinical cases the positive aspects and the challenge on boarderline lesions is explained.
Materials / method: Human With Machine Study - Assessment of Diagnostic Performance of Dermatologists Cooperating With a Convolutional Neural Network in a Prospective Clinical Study - Winkler et al. (2023)
Skin lesions of face and scalp - Classification by a market-approved convolutional neural network in comparison with 64 dermatologists
Haenssle et al. (2021)
Results: The CNN revealed a sensitivity, specificity, and ROC AUC with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) of 95.0% (95% CI 83.5% to 98.6%), 76.7% (95% CI 64.6% to 85.6%), and 0.918 (95% CI 0.866–0.970), respectively.
Conclusion: FotoFinder Study findings suggest that dermatologists may improve their performance when they cooperate with the market-approved CNN and that a broader application of this human with machine approach could be beneficial for dermatologists and patients.
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