Objectives: Identify strategies for male facial rejuvenation using injectable procedures.
Learn how to combine injectables and energy-based devices to augment masculine facial features.
Introduction: The demand for minimally-invasive injectable procedures are growing among the male demographic.
Materials / method: Changes in male facial structure and photoaging occurs gradually over time, and various combinations of treatments can be effective for men at different ages. We review the most popular cosmetic treatments for male facial rejuvenation and augmentation.
Results: There is an increasing demand for minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures among male patients. Among the most popular procedures include: botulinumtoxin injections, dermal fillers, and non-invasive body contouring procedures for the submental region. When performed thoughtfully and carefully, these treatments provide safe, natural-looking results to highlight 'masculine' features.
Conclusion: A combination approach utilizing injectables and non-invasive body contouring can help male patients achieve natural-looking results and augment traditionally 'masculine' features. There is a growing acceptance among male patients for these treatments to appear more youthful and ward off the signs of aging.
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