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Alain DANSEREAU's публикаций (3)

Global cognition predicts the incidence of poor physical performance among older adults: A cross-national study.

Mar, 2020

The relationship between physical performance and cognition is well established. However, findings on the relationship between global cognition and the incidence of functional disability has been inconsistent. Using data from the International Mobility in Aging Study, we investigated the relationship between baseline cognitive function and the incidence of poor physical performance 2 years later. Подробнее

Geriatrics & gerontology international

A comprehensive approach to the recognition, diagnosis, and severity-based treatment of focal hyperhidrosis: recommendations of the Canadian Hyperhidrosis Advisory Committee.

Aug, 2007

Hyperhidrosis can have profound effects on a patient's quality of life. Current treatment guidelines ignore disease severity. Подробнее

Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.]

The evolving role of hyaluronic acid fillers for facial volume restoration and contouring: a Canadian overview.


Recent advancements, including more versatile facial fillers, refined injection techniques and the adoption of a global facial approach, have contributed to improved patient outcome and increased patient satisfaction. Nine Canadian specialists (eight dermatologists, one plastic surgeon) collaborated to develop an overview on volume restoration and contouring based on published literature and their collective clinical experience. The specialists concurred that optimal results in volume restoration and contouring depend on correcting deficiencies at various layers of the facial envelope. This includes creating a foundation for deep structural support in the supraperiosteal or submuscular plane; volume repletion of subcutaneous fat compartments; and the reestablishment of dermal and subdermal support to minimize cutaneous rhytids, grooves and furrows. It was also agreed that volume restoration and contouring using a global facial approach is essential to create a natural, youthful appearance in facial aesthetics. A comprehensive non-surgical approach should therefore incorporate combining fillers such as high-viscosity, low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid (LMWHA) for structural support and hyaluronic acid (HA) for lines, grooves and furrows with neuromodulators, lasers and energy devices. Подробнее

Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology

научные общества Alain DANSEREAU (1)