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Доктор Luiz Augusto AUERSVALD

Пластический хирург

Plastic Surgeon

Curitiba, Brazil

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Luiz Augusto AUERSVALD's публикаций (8)

Commentary on: Quilting Sutures in Rhytidectomy: A Systematic Review of the Literature.

Oct, 2020


Aesthetic surgery journal

Management of the Submandibular Gland in Neck Lifts: Indications, Techniques, Pearls, and Pitfalls.

Oct, 2018

Neck contour deformities are common among patients who present for facial rejuvenation. A thorough physical examination and photographic analysis, including an upward view of the flexed neck, enable the surgeon to determine which structures should be treated. Common causes of neck concerns include hypertrophy of the subplatysmal fat, the anterior belly of the digastric muscle, and/or the submandibular salivary glands. Partial removal of the submandibular salivary glands requires advanced knowledge of subplatysmal anatomy and surgical expertise but can be performed safely and reliably to yield favorable results of neck rejuvenation. Подробнее

Clinics in plastic surgery

Subplatysmal Necklift: A Retrospective Analysis of 504 Patients.

Jan, 2017

Improvement of neck contour is a primary goal of patients who seek rejuvenation of the face and neck. Subplatysmal structures, including fat, the digastric muscle, and the submandibular salivary glands (SMSGs), may contribute to the appearance of a disproportionately large neck. Подробнее

Aesthetic surgery journal
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