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Доктор Patricia FROES MEYER

PhD - Research

Degree in Physiotherapy from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais (1992),

Master's Degree in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2005) and 

PhD in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2008).

Post-doctorate from the University of Birmingham, UK.

Currently owns the Biofisio Clinic physical therapist, professor at the Universidade Potiguar (UNP) and Rio Grande do Norte University Center, Coordinator of postgraduate graduate Potiguar University, the University Post-graduate Teacher Finis of Terrae (Santiago, Chile), Barceló University (Argentina), Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain), School of Health Technology (Portugal) and San Simon University (Bolivia), Marista University Valladolid (Mexico). She has experience in the area of Physical Therapy, with emphasis on Physiotherapy Dermato Functional, working mainly on the following topics: Dermatofunctional physiotherapy, physiotherapy, postoperative, plastic surgery, manual lymphatic drainage and electrotherapy.

In Research he has experience in the field of Biophysics, working mainly in the following subjects: Biophysics, Electrothermofototerapia and Radiofarmácia, Basic research with radiopharmaceuticals and immunology. Lecturer at several congresses in different countries, she has approximately 70 scientific articles published in Portuguese, Spanish and English. She is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Health and Biotechnology. CEO of International Research Group Brasil.

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